
商品名稱: BW SHIELD 水晶蝦增強成長素      貨號: BW-019


商品名稱: BW  SHIELD 水晶蝦增強成長素
販售單位:  一瓶 (60g)

它能吸收毒素和廢物,如亞硝酸、氨氮/ 4、硝酸鹽、硫化氫

類胡蘿蔔素,酵素,人參/ PSB提取物,生薑,初乳,甘露寡糖

Product Name: 
Available Sizes:60g

● Product Description:
Shield is a natural product that enhances growth, immunity and anti-disease ability, lowers
death rate, and even control white spot when used with fishes. It absorbs toxin and waste
such as HNO2, NH3/4, NO3, H2S, assimilate organic waste into micro-organism food,
thus creating a balanced environment in high bio-load tank.

Observation: Shrimps will appear in a slight feeding frenzy digging around for the undissolved particles
of Shield. You can observe that shrimps becomes much more active and have better appetite.

Composition: Beneficial microbes, beta-glucan, vitamin b group and mineral, amino acids, carotenoid, enzyme, Ginseng/PSB extract, Ginger, colostrum, Mannan Oligosaccharides