
商品名稱: Mosura BT-9 水晶蝦用活菌源      貨號: MR-001


商品名稱: Mosura  BT-9  水晶蝦用活菌源
販售單位:  一瓶(淨重20g) 

mosura BT-9是一個功能強大的多功能硝化菌
mosura BT-9也能降低生物需氧量(BOD)、增加水中溶氧量。



使用BT-9 前建議先開啟曝氣,會有較好的使用效果。

Product Name:Mosura BT-9
Available Sizes: Net Weight: 20g

● Product Description:
bacteria for clearer water and food for baby shrimps
Threats up to 5,000 gallons of water
Shipping: available within Canada

Mosura BT-9 is a powerful multipurpose bacteria culture that is specially cultivated
to be used in shrimp tanks. It consists of both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. It purifies
water by decomposing ammonia and nitrite. Leftover feed and organic matter are broken
down so as to avoid sludge. Mosura BT-9 also lowers Biological Oxygen Demand (B.O.D)
and increases dissolved oxygen. 

Most importantly, it replenishes beneficial bacteria lost due to environmental and tank water changes.

Recommended usage:
during tank setup/cycling (double dose on Day 1, 3 and 7)
after water change (standard dose)
weekly maintenance (standard dose)
high density shrimp tanks (standard dose weekly)
problematic (sudden heavy casualty, on and off small number of death) tanks (standard dose to double dosage every alternate day)
after filter maintenance (double dose on Day 1 and Day 3).
It is recommended to turn on aeration when use with Mosura BT-9 for best result.

●Standard Dosage:
1 scoop flat for 100litre of water. Dose directly on tank water.
This bottle treats up to 20,000litre of water !
When using Mosura BT-9 to speed up tank cycling, for the first application, 
2 dosages are recommended. 1 is buried under the gravel together with Mosura
Old Sea Mud Powder and another dosage is scattered on gravel. Use dechlorinated
water filling up the tank.